[Lug-Nuts] compiling gd

From: Brian E. Lavender (brian@brie.com)
Date: Tue Sep 21 1999 - 16:13:20 PDT

I am installing the gd image manipulation tool.

I compiled the gd 1.3 library for manipulating GIF images. Thing is it
does not have a make install target, so I am a little uncertain as far
as where to drop the compiled files. It seemed like before I dropped
the executable files in /usr/local/bin. That would be gddemo, giftogd,
and webgif. It looks as if it put all the compiled library files into
a libgd.a archive along with creating a gd.h header (which is not made,
but included with the source) file so when I want to use the library I
say #include <gd.h>

Where do I drop these files? Was I correct to previously just move the
giftogd, and webgif to /usr/local/bin? If you want I can send you the
tar ball. It is small. Here is the make file.


$ cat Makefile

#Depending on your system, you will need to modify this makefile.

#If you do not have gcc, change the setting for CC, but you must
#use an ANSI standard C compiler (NOT the old SunOS 4.1.3 cc
#compiler; get gcc if you are still using it).

#If the ar command fails on your system, consult the ar manpage
#for your system.

LIBS=-L./ -lgd -lm

all: libgd.a gddemo giftogd webgif

gddemo: gddemo.o libgd.a gd.h gdfonts.h gdfontl.h
        $(CC) gddemo.o -o gddemo $(LIBS)

giftogd: giftogd.o libgd.a gd.h
        $(CC) giftogd.o -o giftogd $(LIBS)

libgd.a: gd.o gdfontt.o gdfonts.o gdfontmb.o gdfontl.o gdfontg.o \
        gd.h gdfontt.h gdfonts.h gdfontmb.h gdfontl.h gdfontg.h
        rm -f libgd.a
        $(AR) rc libgd.a gd.o gdfontt.o gdfonts.o gdfontmb.o \
                gdfontl.o gdfontg.o

webgif: webgif.o libgd.a gd.h
        $(CC) webgif.o -o webgif $(LIBS)

        rm -f *.o *.a gddemo giftogd

$ cat gd.h

#ifndef GD_H
#define GD_H 1

/* gd.h: declarations file for the gifdraw module.

        Written by Tom Boutell, 5/94.
        Copyright 1994, Cold Spring Harbor Labs.
        Permission granted to use this code in any fashion provided
        that this notice is retained and any alterations are
        labeled as such. It is requested, but not required, that
        you share extensions to this module with us so that we
        can incorporate them into new versions. */

/* stdio is needed for file I/O. */
#include <stdio.h>

/* This can't be changed, it's part of the GIF specification. */

#define gdMaxColors 256

/* Image type. See functions below; you will not need to change
        the elements directly. Use the provided macros to
        access sx, sy, the color table, and colorsTotal for
        read-only purposes. */

typedef struct gdImageStruct {
        unsigned char ** pixels;
        int sx;
        int sy;
        int colorsTotal;
        int red[gdMaxColors];
        int green[gdMaxColors];
        int blue[gdMaxColors];
        int open[gdMaxColors];
        int transparent;
        int *polyInts;
        int polyAllocated;
        struct gdImageStruct *brush;
        struct gdImageStruct *tile;
        int brushColorMap[gdMaxColors];
        int tileColorMap[gdMaxColors];
        int styleLength;
        int stylePos;
        int *style;
        int interlace;
} gdImage;

typedef gdImage * gdImagePtr;

typedef struct {
        /* # of characters in font */
        int nchars;
        /* First character is numbered... (usually 32 = space) */
        int offset;
        /* Character width and height */
        int w;
        int h;
        /* Font data; array of characters, one row after another.
                Easily included in code, also easily loaded from
                data files. */
        char *data;
} gdFont;

/* Text functions take these. */
typedef gdFont *gdFontPtr;

/* For backwards compatibility only. Use gdImageSetStyle()
        for MUCH more flexible line drawing. Also see
        gdImageSetBrush(). */
#define gdDashSize 4

/* Special colors. */

#define gdStyled (-2)
#define gdBrushed (-3)
#define gdStyledBrushed (-4)
#define gdTiled (-5)

/* NOT the same as the transparent color index.
        This is used in line styles only. */
#define gdTransparent (-6)

/* Functions to manipulate images. */

gdImagePtr gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy);
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGif(FILE *fd);
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd(FILE *in);
gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXbm(FILE *fd);
void gdImageDestroy(gdImagePtr im);
void gdImageSetPixel(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int color);
int gdImageGetPixel(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y);
void gdImageLine(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
/* For backwards compatibility only. Use gdImageSetStyle()
        for much more flexible line drawing. */
void gdImageDashedLine(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
/* Corners specified (not width and height). Upper left first, lower right
         second. */
void gdImageRectangle(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
/* Solid bar. Upper left corner first, lower right corner second. */
void gdImageFilledRectangle(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);
int gdImageBoundsSafe(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y);
void gdImageChar(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c, int color);
void gdImageCharUp(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c, int color);
void gdImageString(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned char *s, int color);
void gdImageStringUp(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned char *s, int color);
void gdImageString16(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned short *s, int color);
void gdImageStringUp16(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned short *s, int color);

/* Point type for use in polygon drawing. */

typedef struct {
        int x, y;
} gdPoint, *gdPointPtr;

void gdImagePolygon(gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c);
void gdImageFilledPolygon(gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c);

int gdImageColorAllocate(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
int gdImageColorClosest(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
int gdImageColorExact(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b);
void gdImageColorDeallocate(gdImagePtr im, int color);
void gdImageColorTransparent(gdImagePtr im, int color);
void gdImageGif(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out);
void gdImageGd(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out);
void gdImageArc(gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color);
void gdImageFillToBorder(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int border, int color);
void gdImageFill(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int color);
void gdImageCopy(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h);
/* Stretches or shrinks to fit, as needed */
void gdImageCopyResized(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH);
void gdImageSetBrush(gdImagePtr im, gdImagePtr brush);
void gdImageSetTile(gdImagePtr im, gdImagePtr tile);
void gdImageSetStyle(gdImagePtr im, int *style, int noOfPixels);
/* On or off (1 or 0) */
void gdImageInterlace(gdImagePtr im, int interlaceArg);

/* Macros to access information about images. READ ONLY. Changing
        these values will NOT have the desired result. */
#define gdImageSX(im) ((im)->sx)
#define gdImageSY(im) ((im)->sy)
#define gdImageColorsTotal(im) ((im)->colorsTotal)
#define gdImageRed(im, c) ((im)->red[(c)])
#define gdImageGreen(im, c) ((im)->green[(c)])
#define gdImageBlue(im, c) ((im)->blue[(c)])
#define gdImageGetTransparent(im) ((im)->transparent)
#define gdImageGetInterlaced(im) ((im)->interlace)

Brian Lavender

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