Re: [lug-nuts] one reason not to work for MS

From: Harry Souders (
Date: Sat Nov 20 1999 - 23:18:22 PST

On Sat, Nov 20, 1999 at 10:21:45PM -0800, Ryan Wahle wrote:
> I'm sure he forgot to mention that one of the reasons he didn't leave microsoft was
> because of the large amounts of money he receives every two weeks. :)

I've read a couple books on MS and in general they have a history of
paying employee's small salaries and expecting them to work long hours.

So, why work for MS? They give employees sweet stock option deals.
However, most employees have to work for something like 5 years before
they can sell their stocks and profit.

I get the feeling that many 'puter companies, especially start-ups with
little capital to begin with, use a similar model.

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