Re: [lug-nuts] tools for verifying hardware

From: Sean-Paul Rees (
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 16:43:45 PST

Sean-Paul Rees wrote:
> Webb Sprague wrote:

> > eth0, I can't ping my other computer, and there is no
> > green light above the cable from the machine I am
> > trying to fix. Any ideas? I wonder if my 3c509 card
> > works OK for the round co-ax plug but not for the 10
> > base-T plug.
> There should be some parameter you need to specify to change it from
> coax (should that be the default) to UTP. Look at the module
> documentation.

When you ifconfig it up, do this:

ifconfig eth0 inet your-ip netmask your-netmask media 10baseT

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