Re: Just how fast is ADSL anyway?

From: Mike Simons (
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 23:00:22 PDT

Brian Lavender wrote:
>I just downloaded Oracle. Here are the results. I have the basic
>account from pacbell and I live four blocks from the Central Office.
>oracle:/pub/www/oracle8/linux> get 805ship.tgz
>805ship.tgz: 145043360 bytes received in 967.14 seconds, 146.46 kB/s.

  Now upload something to a fast site...
- how fast is it in the other direction?

  Then try both directions at the same time...
- do the transfer rates shine when active in both directions?

(I can provide you with a "fast" site to upload to... if you need one
to test. I am very curious about the results of these tests)

>I have a question about vi. When I write an email, sometimes I go
>back and insert text in the middle. I manually put returns in the
>lines because my TERM is so large that I don't want the messages to
>go way across. On Pine I could hit ^J and it would justify all
>my text again. How do I get that back?

  The way I do it with vim:
- move to the top or bottom of the block
- 'V', then highlight the lines I want
- 'QQ' ... and indent the first line

  The way I do it with standard vi:
- move to the top of the block
- 'J' to join all the lines together
- '!fmt' to line wrap the lines

  I know there are better ways to do this stuff... I've just never looked
into it. Maybe someone else has a better way.

  A few more things to try... that I think should work in vim:
- move to the top of the block
- 'Q}' ... done


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