Re: [lug-nuts] apache on cobalt RAQ

From: Brian Lavender (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 10:23:35 PST

Great. I did not realize that apachectl was just a shell script.

I am working on a cobalt RAQ server, and I can't add PHP support to
it, so I am just going to build a new apache which uses the original
configuration files, and keys for the modssl server. I plan on putting
the newly compiled server in


and leave the other apache stuff their. I looked around the system,
and it looks as if the original apache stuff is spread out all over
in /etc/apache /usr/bin /usr/sbin and elsewhere. So rather than trying
to take this stuff all out (is it an rpm I can just remove) I figured
I would compile a new one, and have that new one in /usr/local/apache
start instead. Then since the latest mod ssl runs ssl and non ssl servers
using the virtual host directive, I will modify


startup script, so that it starts just the one server, and remove the existing


since I have one server doing both.

The cobalt RAQ has that web administration tool which runs on port 81
and it looks as if its startup script is /etc/rc.d/init.d/admserv.init.
It is its own server right? Does it have files that are mixed in with
the regular apache web server?


On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 09:43:56AM -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > One thing I am wondering, when you issue apachectl start, how does
> > it know where to go to find the httpd.conf file? Is it embedded in
> > the httpd?
> It is in the apachectl shell script itself. You can open it up and change
> the path there.
> - Rick
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Brian Lavender
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