Re: [lug-nuts] FTP question

From: Jason Painter (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 16:12:12 PST

I know I must be blowing it here but I can't login as root, now receiving 530 Login incorrect.

>>> Michael Long <> 01/14/00 03:53PM >>>
instead of putting in your username and password, login as root :)


On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Jason Painter wrote:

> Total newbie - rookie question:
> I have a Win 95 machine and using WS-FTP to connect to my Linux box. I can connect but a can't Upload files to the Linux machine. Receiving 553 Error: STOR (file) Access Denied. I have tried changing permissions and such but I realize that I am only getting guest access when connecting. How can I connect with full access so I can upload files?
> RH 6 .0
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