#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw use CGI qw(:standard); #use CGI::Carp; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:book","user", "password"); $|++; # Make the pipes piping hot! my $cgiquery = new CGI; my $myself = $cgiquery->self_url; print $cgiquery->header(-expires=>'now'); print $cgiquery->start_html(-"title"=>'Entry Administration ', -"author"=>'brian@brie.com', -"meta"=>{'keywords'=>'brian database', 'copyright'=>'Copyright 1997 Big Brie'}, -"BGCOLOR"=>'white'); print "
Developed by the man himself
Mr. Brian Lavender' , "\n";
print "
This page will have new features coming.\n"; print '
' , "\n"; print 'It will have a methods of moving the data into the other table, removing it, and editing it. It will also require a password for access'; print "
\n"; my $query = "select * from entries"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if ($sth->execute) { print "
", $_ , " | \n"; } print "
", $_ , " | \n"; } print "
Brie Web Publishing
PO Box 19184
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 443-6195