Lynx ?..

From: Ajay Tallam (
Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 02:49:21 PDT


Since somebody mentioned lynx (Btwn that and noticing the version here (on
isun) has been upgraded), I felt like asking a question that has really been
nagging me, not sure where to ask it. (I can't find a lynx newsgroup, and I'm
almost reluctant to e-mail authors.. who knows. ;)


Does this URL work for anyone? I'm reading in lynx help, about lynx.cfg
options, and I saw one that particularly.. interested me, support for external
programs (eg, for http and ftp, downloading files.)

I have been completely unsuccessful with finding a version of lynx that
supports any of this, however. Anybody have any ideas? Supposedly support
for this was added for Lynx/386 (DOS ver of Lynx), to help it do something it
needed to do, which makes me think the feature is semi-old. (Making me all
the more confused.)

EXTERNAL:ftp:wget %s &:TRUE

This is an example of a/the line that's supposed to go in lynx.cfg, which does
nothing for me. I suppose it's related to the fact that the above URL doesn't
work either. If anybody has any ideas, they would be GREATLY appreciated!


Hmm.. and on an unrelated topic.. How is one supposed to recover msgs lost
from mutt? I just got hung up while I was trying to compose this msg, and
while the msg was still in /tmp/mutt-*.. It's lacking headers and whatnot, is
there any mechanism for recovering, or just :r /tmp/mutt-* is all you can
really do? I was hoping it would 'Postpone' it or something. Ahh well.

Ajay Tallam     Milpitas, ca	MooTown, HempVille

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -- Krishnamurti

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