Re: [lug-nuts] List Snafus

From: Ryan Wahle (
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 09:30:33 PST

So where's that web site at? :)

Quoting Beth Camero <>:

> Eric (and all),
> Hey, we all act like fools on lists every now and again. :) At least you
> admitted it AND figured out your problem AND gave Andy a chance to look
> like a stand-up guy.
> Here's the best f-u I ever personally saw on a list. No urban legend, I
> saw it with my own eyes. After reading this, you will feel much better
> about your teeny slipup.
> I belong to an Association tech-head list. Very professional, very active,
> with hundreds of members on it.
> One day a woman sent out a note to the list about some normal techie thing.
> Her old friend happened to be on the list, and the friend replied to the
> note with something along the lines of 'Hey, baby, it was SOOO good to hear
> from you again! We've been busy, come look at our new website.' She
> obviously didn't realize she was writing back to the entire list because
> she included the URL, which we all immediately went and looked at because
> we are, by nature, a curious lot.
> It was a link to her personal website that had nice new naked pictures of
> her and several of her closest female friends doing *all* kinds of things
> with nice captions and _names_ to go with them. Amateur site, fer sure,
> but....
> There were some wickedly funny comments thrown around the list for about a
> week. The poor woman wrote a cryptic note back to the list after a couple
> of days saying she was mortified and apologized and then dropped out of
> association circles. That would be one of those things that haunts you
> forever.
> Feeling better now?
> Beth
> >Now that I have found out how to use them, I realize it was my fault
> they didn't work. I apologize.
> Thanks all,
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Ryan Wahle
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