Re: [lug-nuts] Debian 2.1/SPARC or RedHat 6.1/SPARC

From: Brian Lavender (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 16:04:42 PST

On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 02:00:44PM -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
> > Yo, Sean-Paul, your clock be needin adjustment. On linux, this works,
> >
> > $ su
> >
> > # netdate
> Not on Redhat.
> > anyone else got another way for syncing your clock?
> I use "ntpdate" which is part of the xntpd package. Can you give us more
> info on netdate?

Here is the man page. I use debian, and I don't know where you get
netdate from, but I would bet it is GNU. I don't have ntpdate on my
system. I apologize for the repeat letters which were inserted when I
executed the command and had its output inserted into the email.

$ man netdate


       netdate - set date and time by ARPA Internet RFC 868

       netdate [ -v ] [ -l limit ] [ protocol ] hostname...

       Netdate takes a list of names of Internet hosts as argu­
       ments, selects the one which supplies the best time, and
       sets the system time accordingly. The invoker must be the
       super-user for the time to be set. Protocol names (either
       uuddpp or ttccpp) may be interspersed with the host names, and
       determine the protocol which will be used to connect to
       the hosts whose names follow, up to the next protocol name
       or the end of the arguments. The default protocol is uuddpp.

       The ``best'' time is chosen by polling the named hosts
       once each to find their times and taking their differences
       from the local host's time. These differences are used to
       find the largest group of hosts whose times agree with
       each other within a certain limit. The first host in the
       largest group is picked as the best host. (The assumption
       is that the hosts which are usually most accurate will be
       named first.) That host is polled again and the local
       host's time is set to the result. The chosen host's time
       is checked on this second poll to insure that its differ­
       ence from the local host's time has not varied more than
       the limit from its difference at the first poll.

       The default limit is five seconds. It may be set with the
       --ll option. The --vv option causes the groups to be shown.
       The host name llooccaallhhoosstt is recognized as a synonym for the
       name of the local host, no network connection is made for
       it, and its time difference is always zero. If llooccaallhhoosstt
       is chosen as having the best time, the system time will
       not be set. Hosts which do not respond are not counted in
       the groups. If the limit is set to zero, the time is set
       to that of the first host to respond and no other checking
       is done. Supplying only one host name argument also sets
       the limit to zero.

       While the RFC868 protocol only returns 32 bits of data,
       containing the time in seconds, _n_e_t_d_a_t_e will accept an
       extra 32 bits, containing microseconds (expected to be
       accurate to no more than milliseconds). Delays on long
       haul networks may make this extra precision useless, but
       it is useful on local area networks. The extra precision
       is not used on the first poll of a host, but it is used on
       the second poll of the chosen host, if that host supplies

       The most accurate hosts are named first in each example.
       Some such call on _n_e_t_d_a_t_e should be put at the end of

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       //eettcc//rrcc..dd//rrcc..llooccaall, so that the time will be set properly
       on system startup. It is also useful to have a shell
       script, e.g., //ssbbiinn//ttiimmeehhoossttss, which contains a call on
       _n_e_t_d_a_t_e with arguments appropriate to the local system, so
       that it is easy to set the time manually.

nneettddaattee --ll 3300 uuddpp ddccnn--ggaattee ttccpp nneeiigghhbboorr
       _D_c_n_-_g_a_t_e is a hypothetical host which usually keeps time
       accurate to within milliseconds of Coordinated Universal
       Time, but may occasionally be eight hours off. _N_e_i_g_h_b_o_r
       is a neighbor of the local host which keeps time with mod­
       erate accuracy. The time will be set to that of _d_c_n_-_g_a_t_e
       if that and _n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r agree to within thirty seconds, else
       it will not be set at all. This is almost good enough for
       most circumstances, but won't do when the local host's
       time is known to be wrong (e.g., after a long downtime or
       a bad crash) and must be set to something. If one of the
       hosts named is inaccurate or not responding, there is a

nneettddaattee --ll 3300 uuddpp ddccnn--ggaattee ttccpp nneeiigghhbboorr nneeiigghhbboorr22
       Only two of the three hosts named must agree on the time.
       The time will still be set (to that of the first neigh­
       bor), even if _d_c_n_-_g_a_t_e is far off as long as the two
       neighbors agree. This is probably good enough for most
       cases. One can arbitrarily gerrymander the vote for more
       insurance (and less clarity), as in the following example.

nneettddaattee uuddpp ddccnn--ggaattee ddccnn11 ttccpp bbbbnn--uunniixx llooccaallhhoosstt nneeiigghhbboorr
       Here _d_c_n_1 and _b_b_n_-_u_n_i_x are more hypothetical very accurate
       timekeepers, at least one of which keeps time indepen­
       dently from _d_c_n_-_g_a_t_e, one hopes. It is very likely that
       the time will be set to that one of those three very accu­
       rate hosts, as long as at least two of them agree, or at
       least one of them agrees with the neighbor or the local
       host's time. If all the foreign hosts disagree, the time
       will not be set, since llooccaallhhoosstt will be chosen as best.

nneettddaattee --ll 33 llooccaallhhoosstt llooccaallhhoosstt uuddpp ddccnn--ggaattee ddccnn11 ttccpp bbbbnn--uunniixx
       This example gives llooccaallhhoosstt two votes and declares it to
       usually have the most accurate time. All three foreign
       hosts must agree within three seconds and also differ from
       llooccaallhhoossttss by more than three seconds for the time to be
       set. Thus the time will be set only if it really needs to

       /etc/services for the time service port number
       /etc/protocols for the protocol numbers
       /var/log/wtmp to record time-setting

       ARPANET Request for Comments 868, gettimeofday(2),
       date(1), WWV (USA): 2.5,5,10,15 MHz AM for Coordinated

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       Universal Time (UCT).


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Brian Lavender
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