Re: [lug-nuts] Sendmail virtual email domain?

From: andy wergedal (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 07:23:23 PST

>Problem one, "using linuxconf". :)
ok no more linuxconf. (at least for sendmail)

>There should a textfile with these mappings in it somewhere. Usually
>"/etc/mail/virtusertable". There should also be a matching DB file that
>sendmail actually uses, usually "/etc/mail/virtusertable.db".
>Do these exist?
yes they exist in /etc/mail/ but virtusertable is empty.

>Check inside "/etc/" for a line like:
>Kvirtuser hash /etc/mail/virtusertable

this line is uncommented

Do I hand write the virtusertable?
Then, do I have to use M4 so it will create the virtusertable.db?

-- Andy (xDroid)

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