Re: [lug-nuts] Apache and mail

From: Michael Long (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 08:56:51 PST

I sometimes miss working for an ISP. :)

JPS does your DNS for your domain so you'll need to contact them and get a
few things straightened out. First, the need to point an A record for to the static IP address that they gave you. For the
mail, they'll need to point the MX record to the static IP address they
gave you. (This is assuming you have mail and web on the same box). Of
course you have to have a dedicated connection for all this work, as well
as the right account. I have a feeling JPS wouldn't do this for joe dialup
account. Thats what the ISP has to do.

For mail and web, I would tackle those two problems seperately. What
problems are you having with apache?


BTW your counter doesn't work on your web site...

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Ralph Brown wrote:

> I am trying to configure Apache on my gateway box. The Installfest provided
> some help, but i seem to be stuck on 2 points.
> I obtained a static IP#. I would like to move my site and mail from JPS to
> my server at home, using the same mail and domain names.
> 1) my version of caldera 2.3 has apache 1.3. I seem to be having trouble
> with the settings. Would someone send me your working config files (changing
> any sensitive info) ...then i could use it as a guide.
> 2) i want to keep "" if i can...caldera 2.3 has "sendmail"
> which i guess is the MTA that i would use. If so, how do i configure it, and
> do i point the clients to the "/var/spool/mail (username)" file, assuming
> this is where all of the incoming mail resides? I am using KDE KMail.
> 3) do i point the clients to the server ( or the static IP#
> for mail ?
> thanks!
> Ralph
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