Re: [lug-nuts] Boot question

From: Rick Johnson (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 11:31:06 PST

> Then you should be able to access your root partition. If you are using
> RedHat, then go into /etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc3.d and
> mv S25sendmail and S40apache to
> s25sendmail and s40apache

Actually to remove them from the init structure on Redhat you can type the
command: chkconfig --del httpd

This will remove all the symlinks in the rcX.d/ directories while still
leaving the script in /etc/rc.d/init.d untouched. That way it won't start
at boot, but you can still execute the script in init.d to start it later.
Then to add it back into the startup just type: chkconfig --add httpd

Rick Johnson                      Voicemail:   530.325.5200                                Fax:   530.325.5200                 AIM:   rsjohn01   

It really is too bad Microsoft doesn't also sell a vacuum cleaner, for I'm convinced it would be their only product that doesn't suck.

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